Please click the link(s) provided below to download a specific document(s):
Detailed Sampling Procedures and Quality Control (QAPP):
- Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan (GLCWMP QAPP) This document is the primary guidance document for the overall sampling plan. Detailed methods for taxonomic groups (below) should be read only in conjunction with this overall sampling plan.
Step-by-Step Sampling Procedures (SOPs) by Taxonomic Group:
Anurans and Birds:
- Bird and Anuran Habitat Protocol
- Bird and Anuran Habitat Form
- Anuran Calling Survey Detailed Procedures (SOP)
- Anuran Calling Survey (data sheet)
- Bird Survey Detailed Procedures (SOP)
- Bird Survey (data sheet)
Fish / Invertebrates:
- Field Reference
- Fish Detailed Sampling Procedures (SOP)
- Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Detailed Sampling Procedures (SOP)
- Fish, Macroinvertebrate, Habitat and Water Quality Data Sheets
- Fish, Macroinvertebrate, and Water Quality Crew Training Certification Forms
- Macroinvertebrate Mites Sampling (SOP & data sheet)
Wetland Vegetation:
- Coastal Marsh Vegetation Detailed Sampling Procedures (SOP)
- Wetland Plant Species Common to Great Lakes marshes
Water Quality:
- Water Quality Detailed Sampling Procedures (SOP)
- Alkalinity Test Procedure
- Alkalinity Data Sheet (PDF)
- Alkalinity Data Sheet (XLSX)
- Note: Water quality field data are collected on the fish and macroinvertebrate field data sheets; there are no separate data sheets for water quality data.
SOPs for Collection of Supplemental Data:
- Water level sensor and DO logger SOP
- Collecting and preserving fingernail clams SOP
- SOP for PFAS Dressenid mussel collection (Kowalke thesis)