Suggested Citation:
Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program (GLCWMP), funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through the US EPA Great Lakes National Program Office to D. Uzarski, Central Michigan University. 2011-2025. Grant numbers GL-00E00612-0, 00E01567 and 00E02956. URL:
Please click the link(s) provided below to download a specific document(s):
Progress Reports to USEPA Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO):
- Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program 5-Year Final Report (2015-2021)
- GLIC Coastal Wetland Monitoring 5-Year Summary (2010-2016)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (October 2024)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2024)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (October 2023)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2023)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (October 2022)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2022)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (October 2021)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2021)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (November 2020)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2020)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (September 2019)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2019)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (September 2018)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2018)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (September 2017)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2017)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (September 2016)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2016)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (September 2015)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2015)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (September 2014)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2014)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (September 2013)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2013)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (October 2012)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (March 2012)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (October 2011)
- GLIC Semi-Annual Report (April 2011)
Prior Research Reports and Publications:
(Note: these provided the basis for the monitoring work that began in 2011.)
- Uzarski, D.G., et al. 2019. Leveraging a Landscape-Level Monitoring and Assessment Program for Developing Resilient Shorelines throughout the Laurentian Great Lakes. Wetlands.
- Uzarski, D.G., et al. 2016. Standardized Measures of Coastal Wetland Condition: Implementation at a Laurentian Great Lakes Basin-Wide Scale. Wetlands.
- GLCWC 2008. Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Monitoring Plan. Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Consortium, March 2008.
- Uzarski, D.G., T.M. Burton, and J.A. Genet. 2004. Validation and performance of an invertebrate index of biotic integrity for Lakes Huron and Michigan fringing wetlands during a period of lake level decline. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 7:269-288.
- Uzarski, D.G., T.M. Burton, M.J. Cooper, J. Ingram, and S. Timmermans. 2005. Fish habitat use within and across wetland classes in coastal wetlands of the five Great Lakes: Development of a fish-based Index of Biotic Integrity. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(supplement 1): 171-187.
- Burton, T.M., D.G. Uzarski, J.P. Gathman, J.A. Genet, B.E. Keas, and C.A. Stricker. 1999. Development of a preliminary invertebrate index of biotic integrity for Lake Huron coastal wetlands. Wetlands 19(4): 869-882.